What is Happening?

Samaritan's Feet Project: Glendale Church, LifExperiment, and Arizona Young Adult Ministries are teaming up with Samaritan's Feet to help supply 180 kids in from the West Side of Phoenix with love, attention, and brand new athletic shoes. During this project our team will be washing the feet of kids, praying for their needs, and giving them the gift of time that says "You are valued".  This will be a very impacting project for both volunteers and recipients. 

Date: Sabbath January 23rd

Time: 2:30-5:30 pm

Location: Glendale SDA Church Gymnasium (6801 N 43rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019)

Project Schedule:

  • 1:30 pm Volunteers Arrive Glendale Gym & Project Set-up
  • 2:00 pm Guest Registration Begins
  • 2:15-5:30 pm Guest Foot Washing (Groups are staggered during afternoon)
  • 5:30 pm Project Concludes & Clean Up
  • 6:00 pm Volunteer Debrief and Testimony Time

Instructions: We need 80 committed volunteers to help feed, wash, pray and serve during this project. Interested? Sign up using the volunteer form below.  This project is very dependent on volunteers showing up on time, so please arrive at the Glendale Church Gym by 1:45 p.m. sharp Sabbath afternoon on January 23rd. Our team will be arranging tables and setting up for the event. Feel free to wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

Thanks again for all your help! We are looking forward to serving Phoenix families together.